Hello, and welcome to a page of gifs dedicated to my very favorite bear of little brain, Winnie~The~Pooh, and, of course, Piglet too! Here you will find linkable gifs and graphics of these adorable little characters and all of their pals to use on your e-mail, homepage, or wherever you see fit. So link away! In the "Misc" files, you will also find some other favorite gifs of mine I have collected and transloaded from around the web for your linking pleasure! Have fun!.......=-)

This first page is assigned to that special little fellow, that wonderful hunny-eating, bee-fearing...guess which bear? Winnie the Pooh!!!

To link to these gifs, use this URL: if

Remember to replace "poohexercise.gif" with the name of whichever gif you chose! :+)


This is my collection of my most favorite Winnie~The~Pooh graphics. Now you can share them with me!

hunnybee.gif~~Pooh dressed up as a honey bee.

plantpooh.gif~~Pooh plants a garden.

poohcute.gif~~Cutest Pooh I have ever seen!

poohhorn.gif~~Pooh holding a blue horn.

picnicpooh.gif~~Pooh is having a picnic!

blinkpooh.gif~~Big pooh blinks his eyes. Too cute!

poohthink.gif~~Pooh tries to think, think, think!

poohberries.gif~~Pooh gathering strawberries.

poohblfy.gif~~Pooh with butterflies around him. Adorable!

poohhiking.gif~~Pooh is going on a hiking trip!

poohhoney.gif~~Pooh stuck in a jar of honey! Sooo cute!

poohpeep.gif~~Pooh peeking over a table. How sweet!

poohsail.gif~~Pooh in a sailor hat in a boat! Terrific gif!

poohstuk.gif~~Pooh stuck at night. He has a bonnet on! Poor pooh!

poohstuk2.gif~~Pooh stuck in the morning! Awww!

poohworry.gif~~Pooh looks worried over something, what could it be???

poohnuzzle.gif~~Pooh nuzzling a worm. Cute!


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